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Monday, August 17, 2015


7:07 PM
1.    Micro computers were introduced in-  IV generation
2.    Hyper text can be-a text, a picture, an animation
3.    -------is the another name given to a computer programmer---Software designer
4.    The term time slicing’ need not apply.--- Batch processing
5.    The factor not necessary for calculating the storage capacity of a disk is--Diameter of the disk
6.In time division multiplexing---     Total time avaiable in the channel is  divided between several users and each user is alloted a  time slice

7.Point of sale terminal refers to--terminals associated with OCR

8.In 7 bit ASCII mode these are_______ zone bits----   3

9. The_______ time of a memory is the time taken to locate and retrieve stored data-----   Access
10. The clock speed of a computer is measured in terms of--  Accesstime
11. First fully electronic computer is----  ENIAC
12. A second generation computer was built using---transistors
13. ROM is a--Memory chip
14. Personal computer is a-----Digital computer
15. Micro computer is a------Fourth generation computer
16. What is the size of the first floppy disk ?--- 15 inch diameter
17. Who introduced the first 3.5 inch floppy ?----- Sony
18. Who developed C ++ ?--- Bjarne stoustrup
19. Who designed the first word processor ?----- Michael shrayer
20. A user entered programme is known as---source programme
21. When was mouse used first ?--- 1970


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